
Conrad Subs – Fallen Behind



Conrad Subs bursts upon the scene in stylish fashion with his new “Fallen Behind EP”. The EP kicks off with the
subtle and smooth title track, “Fallen Behind”. The song features airy synths, breathy vocal samples, and a floor shaking sub bassline that will blow the bassbins. The EP rolls on with another stunning beauty called, “Flicker”. The song features sultry piano chords, a wobbling sub bassline, and angelic strings and pads that help complete the track. “Losing Battle”, is up next with it’s filtered piano stabs, gritty bassline, popping drums, and pitched down vocals that fit perfectly in this masterpiece. “Cold Summer”, is up next and keeps the flow going with its snappy drums, echoing vocals, epic strings, and lush pads. The EP is finished off in impressive fashion with the smooth roller, “Don’t Hesitate”, featuring fellow producer J.O.E. The song features, filtered pads, popping drums, Gritty mid bass, and creative atmospheric sounds. Conrad Subs in one to watch!!

Additional information

Fallen Behind mp3, Fallen Behind Wav, Flicker mp3, Flicker Wav, Losing Battle mp3, Losing Battle Wav, Cold Summer mp3, Cold Summer Wav, Don't Hesitate mp3, Don't Hesitate Wav, Whole EP mp3, Whole EP Wav

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